Mars was my old home town, and I knew the gal who was heading up the Mars operation. I just dropped out of what's going on with Unertl when they moved from Mars. So, did all of the parts move to Vegas? (I would imagine they did) And, who would be doing the repairs out there? Maybe someone is doing repairs now. But, I doubt seriously that either of those guys would have moved to Las Vegas. They had two of the Unertl employees from the old Unertl shop doing repairs. They did have all of the parts to repair the older Unertl's, except for glass, when they were in Mars. The only one that is, or just recently, was, being made is the one they sell to the Marine Corps, for about $2400, or $2500.

They are still in business, but they aren't making all of the fine scopes they used to make.