Breeder - collects food from the farmer and they both do the breeding work.Farmer - collect food from nearby crops to feed the breeder villagers, can be any villager in a straw hat (brown coat pre-1.14).Here are the roles they play in a villager farm: No matter what the player builds, at least three villagers are needed to initiate the process. The village must be small, so the player must ensure that no other villages exist within an 80-block spherical radius. The area around a villager breeder must be carefully scoured to ensure the breeder works correctly. Essentially, the baby villager needs to be able to bounce on the available bed.Ī historical note: The current breeding mechanics were instituted by the the Village & Pillage update where the population limit is now set by number of beds, formerly it was set by the number of doors in the village, where there were various rules defining a valid door (roughly, there had to be an identifiable "inside" and "outside"). The beds require a full two blocks of space above them the bed itself counts as a full block, and so does any top slab that may be used for the ceiling. If there is an excess of beds, villager breeding commences. There must be at least one bed for each villager, and each bed must be reachable by some villager. They become willing only if the population is less than 100%. Villagers take a census of the population of their village about every minute, comparing their population to the number of available beds. There are more parameters to willingness than just the food villagers have. So, if the farmer has free access to crops, and they are within range of a village, then that village can support the autonomous feeding of villagers. Also, a farmer villager can throw excess food to other villagers. Willingness can be increased if the player trades with the villagers. Two villagers who are willing to breed, and about to create their baby. Any mix of the items mentioned can be used as long as they total at least 12 points. Below is a table indicating the number of points for each food item. A villager requires 12 food points to be considered ready to breed. To feed villagers, the player must throw the food to them, and let them obtain it in their inventory. There are many factors of willingness, but it depends mostly on the food that the player feeds the parents. If two villagers nearby are willing at the same time, they meet and spawn a baby villager in between them, like other passive mobs. The decision for a villager to show heart particles depends on how "willing" a villager is to mate. However, the player can provide ideal accommodations (beds and food) to make the process efficient. Unlike for other breedable mobs, villager breeding cannot be forced.